The Valiant Warrior name and all slogans and photos are copyrighted and trademarked materials.Trademark and copyright infringement is a crime punishable by law.
©2011 Joshua’s Hands
2600+ QUILTS MADE since January 2011
2025 Valiant Warrior Quilts
Since January of 2011, Joshua’s Hands has sponsored the Valiant Warrior Quilting Event twice each year. We have made 2600+ quilts for our troops injured in service to our country. Our 29th session, scheduled for winter 2025, will be homebound again in light of facility issues. Please see the details below and spread the word for participants to start working now on quilts for our Valiant Warriors! Our most recent quilts are being distributed through Fisher Houses. They have 97 facilities nationwide and many needs. We look forward to sharing quilts with them into the foreseeable future.
The Goals
To provide handmade quilts to those who serve and sacrifice on our behalf, and to those who battle valiantly.
To share the joy of quilting and working together as a community in a mentoring environment. (When we are able to gather.)
Quilt Specifics
•Quilt tops or completed quilts are to be made at home
•Labels are available and can be mailed to you (request via email)
•Colors: Preferred red/white/blue, but others accepted
•Size: 50” x 80” with 2” forgiveness
•Please arrange for pick up or drop off locally or mail to:
Joshua’s Hands
11479 Dutchman’s Creek Rd.
Lovettsville, VA 20180
Volunteers for long arm quilting, please send a note as to your availability.
Thank you for your ongoing dedication to this project.